Tuesday, January 1, 2008


我从种仙人掌到豆芽到现在的这么对植物,应有十多年了。。。 从我小三那年就开始了。。 种植可以让我感到很轻松。。 每天看到它们一天一天的成长,我非常高兴的。


这颗是我在植物园拾到的。。。 它也有两个孩子了握!!


这是设么花呢?我的邻居给我一小部分,当那一小部分长大后,我剪另一小部分重种。。。 这下子我就有两盆了。。 哈哈



这颗班兰叶的妈妈因经去世了。上图是它的孩子。我的班兰叶的叶子给人家偷去了。。。现在变得很难看。。。也许那些人在煮汤圆时忘记买班兰叶。。。 所以每个月的十五我的班兰叶一定会不见的。。。


I realise that the plant beside the papaya is called bird nest fern. I love bird nest fern because of the shape and it does not grow on soil. I have a total of 8 big bird nest fern in total, will take more photos soon....


clayie said...

i'm using grey's computer now... hmm... u've got some nice collection of plants eh! :P i will help u add more to it next time! i like the little pot of Ivy the best! i got Ivy in my room too... heh... i will try to go online soon so i can talk to you... meanwhile do take care alright?

clayie said...

and also, seeing your pictures, i realised that you have evenin sun, u can grow nice morning glories... hehe... and maybe cosmos or periwinkle.. dun worry on where u can get the plants... :)

Beo said...

haha... i want more flower plants that can last very long

clayie said...

what if it's a tree?

Beo said...

tree , unless i stay in private housing..... hehe

clayie said...

a mini tree :P